Beginning runner, Body positive, Couch to 5k, Fitness

Fear Not!

I am still running, I promise. However, I am also a teacher and have one helluva commute and so my time to post is scarce. My free time is a precious commodity that must be divvied up to make two small children and one husband happy while simultaneously allowing me to plan my lessons. Making time to run is something I have not been doing great at…




Yeah… I firmly believe the douchebags that come up with little quips like that pinterest-gleaned bundle of sunshine right there are actually sadists. Sadists who have no commute and no kids and if they do have kids, they’re probably practically adults in their level of self-sufficiency by the age of two because lord knows the maker of this type of saying is not going to care for them. “what is that? you need me to wipe your nose? YOU ARE TWO, ALMOST THREE, ACT LIKE IT!”

I had about a week and a half where I did not run, I will be totally honest. I could genuinely not even walk like a normal person without copious amounts of ibuprofen and too many bags of frozen pees to count. I made the mistake of wearing heels (and they were “comfort” heels) to the first inservice of the year and now the ladies I work with think I am an idiot who can’t walk in heels. I had that whole “newborn calf” thing going.

Me: true story

Me: true story

Then, sometime relatively recently, I woke up and the pain was gone! I think it was after I got some new running shoes and I tried wearing them around the house in an attempt to break them in. As soon as I put them on, there was instant relief in my knee. This leads me to believe it was definitely a shoe/poor form issue with my knee in the first place. Now that I have my lovely new tennies, and I have tweaked my stride a bit, I have not had any knee issues, so YAY!! Not to mention they are pretty. I am a sucker for pink.

My new Nike Free 5.0 shoes! They have nike plus, but I haven't set it up yet. Should I? Is that something any of you use?

My new Nike Free 5.0 shoes! They have nike plus, but I haven’t set it up yet. Should I? Is that something any of you use?

Pay no attention to the crappy flash. I dropped my phone (a myriad of times) and this happened. The shoes are great, hubby got a pair in some super neon green, but they don’t have nike plus. So do I maybe have 1 up on him? I would like to think so.

So now I am back to the grind of running! I love the freedom I feel when I am out running. It hurts like Hell, as I have said before, but I really like it. However, I learned the other day that I am definitely a cool-weather runner. How do people run in the heat?! I ran at probably 6:30, it was around 89 degrees, and I could only do half of my run! Seriously…death. People who do crap like hot yoga, good on you. I will keep to cool weather. Any freaking day.


I apologize if this post seems a bit half-hazard. I am just truly exhausted. Yesterday was a really long day for me (around 18 hours with my commute worked in) and who knows how much (little?) sleep I got considering my youngest is teething and has some bizarre cold. I am running on fumes (ha, running…get it?).

Just laugh.

I have 1 week until 1 lucky buckeye and I am so excited. I don’t think I will actually be able to run the whole two miles, but I will be able to run some of it and I am confident I will finish it in 30 minutes or less. That is more thank I could say even 6 months ago.

So, until next time,


2 thoughts on “Fear Not!

  1. I just tweaked my knee a few days ago. I can do a week and a half without running! Past injuries left me out if my running shoes for months! New shoes, yes, great idea! Need new running shoes before I hit the pavement again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I really like these ones, though I am not going to lie I teared up a bit at their price tag. Even at an outlet store, they were not cheap. I like bargains!! However, they are worth it if they mean running without pain.
      I hope it gets to feeling better and you are able to get back out soon!


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