Beginning runner, Body positive

My Soul Will Need a Censor Bar After This One…

I have given it a lot of thought and I have come to the conclusion that if I’m going to do this,  I need to be completely honest with you.


Oh Gaga and Queen Bey, you totally get it.

Oh Gaga and Queen Bey, you totally get it.


I’m not doing this to lose weight, but if I am being honest there will always be a part of me that hopes “this running thing” gives me some magically thin body. I can tell myself that I do not care, that I love my body the way it is, and that I am an effing super-human pseudo-mythological lady-beast because I pushed out a couple of bowling-ball-sized meatball babies. All of that is true. 

And yet…

I found myself pacing around my living room today, practically sobbing over the pain in my knee, cursing myself for embarking on this ridiculous venture because I’m just a “fat girl,” and nothing is ever going to change it. I will always be that chubby girl who doesn’t make eye contact with others and fears going to the mall because of what I was sure was my super noticeable love handles and lack of any sort of ass to balance it out.

Now, of course, I’m not that girl anymore. I’m a grown woman who has spent a lot of time learning to love my body and be proud of who I am. I love the mall, and while I don’t particularly rock a lot of heels, I am a fan of some cute flats and the occasional wedge. I have embraced my asslessness. But it took a long time and a lot of soul searching to get here. Not to mention a lot of words of encouragement from my husband. The more he loved me, the more I loved myself, even if I pushed hard otherwise. My sons love me and it is in their eyes that I have learned to see myself as beautiful in my own way. 

"I do not need anyone's permission to be fabulous"

“I do not need anyone’s permission to feel glorious”

But today is a bad day. Today is one of those days where it doesn’t matter how much I chant to myself “just because someone else is beautiful (and thin),doesn’t mean I’m not pretty (despite my belly flab), or “beauty is a social convention that is created and perpetuated by the media!” I just feel crappy. I am fully aware that beauty is not tied to weight, that those two words are not interchangeable. 

Some logic for your beauty pipe. Smoke up.

Some logic for your beauty pipe. Smoke up.

I get it.

Sometimes, however, the demons (remember them?) creep in and drive all the body positivity I have completely out the window. Today’s run was horrible. I hurt like hell going into it, and obviously don’t feel great coming out of it. I feel no victory about it, and I actually spent the majority of last night dreading it this morning. In an effort to be completely honest with my readers (I know there are a few of you), I will tell you that I genuinely contemplated not doing today’s run. I wanted to push it off till tomorrow. 

Because I’m sure that would have gone so well…

I want to say this though: at the end of it, I still know without a doubt that I am a rock star. I know it. I know I am doing something that is going to be wonderful for my body and that this pain is because my body doesn’t have any idea what the hell I’m doing to it (**hint** I’m torturing it). I know that when I cross the finish line of my first 5k, after I have RAN the whole thing, I’m going to know I’m awesome and I will feel it. 

But for now, in this moment and on this day, I don’t feel any of those things.



And that is okay. 




5 thoughts on “My Soul Will Need a Censor Bar After This One…

  1. I can sympathise with knee issues. When I was little and doing lots of ballet I was physically really fit but at 11 I stopped. Now at 20 the muscles around my kneecaps aren’t strong enough to support it properly and that means I get a fair amount of knee pain. So I decided to start working out and joined and gym and set Race For Life 10K at Tatton Park as my goal. Despite not doing all the prep I wanted I managed it in an hour and eight minutes.
    If your knee is really bad you might be overdoing it. A friend of mine who used to do a lot of long distance advised me to start with stop-go training. You run for a few minute, then walk for a little bit, then run for a bit. Gradually building up the distance you run as you go on. This helps ward off things like shin splints.
    Also doing core and leg muscle work outs aside from cardio/jogging would be a good way to build up the muscle on your legs and hopefully take some of the pressure off your knee.
    Best of luck with your 5ks.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your advice. I am definitely looking into strengthening workouts for my “rest” days, and have taken the week off to try to get my knee to a place where I do not feel like I may die (melodramatic? maybe.).
      Thanks for stopping by! 🙂


  2. I guess that’s a good sign, for no one feels good about themselves all the time. 🙂 Hey, have you seen “Food, Inc.” (a 2008 film by Robert Kenner)? I find it quite informative. Have a good journey.


    • Yes, I’ve seen it. I haven’t bought ground beef since, lol. I come from a small town, with a lot of farmers. For me, 1lbs of ground beef came from a single cow. I am totally freaked out by the process of thousands of cows contributing to 1 pound of beef. That, of course, is not the worst part of the film, but it was definitely something that struck a chord with me.


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